
Leadership Coaching

As a leadership coach, I provide clients with a supportive space to unlock their full potential and grow in their management skills, communication, time and stress management, personal care, and decision making — aligning with their goals for professional growth and advancement. 

What does a leadership coach do?

A wellness coach’s scope of practice is to provide clients with a holistic perspective on health, focusing on not just food but also other areas of life that can impact wellness, such as your career satisfaction, the quality of your relationships, the amount of movement or exercise and how one relates to stress. Basically, we build a toolbox full of tools to improve your total well beingOur primary goal in working together is to improve your performance and focus, to be fully present in the present while learning from the past, and to bring creativity and drive into your future.

Who is leadership coaching for?

Personal development & management coaching is for those individuals that are looking to skill up! If you are looking for personal growth, hone your skills to become a more effective leader and prevent burnout in your current role, leadership coaching is for you. It will not only sharpen your existing tools, but add new tools to your toolbox for becoming the kind of leader and manager who brings the best out of themselves and others. 

What kind of results should I expect?

Results are based on the effort: What you put into it is what you get out of it. This is not magic, but the process does work amazingly well to bring a greater sense of purpose, fulfillment, and joy into your life through aligning all the facets of who you are and what you want. What a good coach does is provide a space to explore your goals and skills in the present moment. 

What happens in the first coaching session?

The first session is an intake session and opportunity to get to know each other.  We go through a questionnaire to get personal stats based on why you are seeking coaching and what you want coaching to do in your life. From there, we set up personal goals for the coaching sessions and determine if 1:1 sessions and/or small group would be the best avenue. I strive to make this an uplifting, engaging, and enjoyable experience for all of my clients.

Are you ready to grow?

Tailored solutions for growth

Leadership Coaching

We help green industry professionals become more effective managers and leaders

Training Resources

We develop quality training materials and train trainers

Wellness Coaching

Mental wellness is so important! A strong personal life translates to better job performance and mobility.

Career Mentorship

Boosting your success and giving you tools for thriving professionally

Get to know Angela

Angela Cenzalli, MCLP,  CSP, ASM, has over 20 years in the green industry. Though she never expected to enjoy green industry work, Angela fell in love with landscaping and the people who work in this field. As an industry veteran, she experienced firsthand the burnout rate, the high stress, turnover and the sense of over- whelm that many managers and owners feel. As a Massachusetts Certified Landscape Professional, A Certified Snow Professional and Advanced Snow Manager, Angela launched B-Mentors Consulting & Wellness Group to help leaders grow through leadership coaching, training resources, person- al growth and career mentorship. Additionally, Angela is a Certified Mental Wellness Coach and John Maxwell Coach, Trainer and Speaker. Angela presents throughout the US and Canada providing workshops and seminars in safety, operations, leadership and wellness.